Baptism Impossible Or Necessary in Cases of Poor Health?
A person with extraordinary health conditions is expected to be fully immersed, even if they use a breathing tube or have a permanent hole in their throat. In some “extreme” cases (as if the “extraordinary” cases weren’t extreme enough) then baptism may be impossible “for the time being”, in which case “we can […]
Advert For Radio-Active Solar Pad
Wear the Radio-Active Solar Pad day and night, receiving the Radio-Active Rays continuously into your system… try it at THEIR risk! -Download Golden Age, January 1921 Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on reddit Reddit Share on whatsapp WhatsApp Return to the Looking Glass
Radium Cancer Cure
Radium as a cancer treatment. Later on Golden Age would warn of the dangers of Radium poisoning. -Download Golden Age, February 2, 1921, Return to the Looking Glass
Radium- Not Just a Curative Agent
Radium- not just a curative agent that one could bathe in, but also great for watch dials. See where Golden Age later on said Radium was dangerous. -Download Golden Age, February 2, 1921 Return to the Looking Glass
Abnormal Racial Differences are the Product of Disease
‘…abnormal racial differences are the product of disease.” Leaving Eden caused diseased glands aggravated by climate. “All this is fully in accord with the Bible, which tells us that man is degenerate.” -Download Golden Age, June 26, 1929 Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on reddit Reddit Share on whatsapp WhatsApp Return […]
Boy Hypnotized into Thinking Onion is an Apple
Hallucinations of hypnotism explained as demonism. -Download Golden Age, August 14, 1935 Read Huffpost: Without Sight or Smell, Apples and Onions Taste the Same Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on reddit Reddit Share on whatsapp WhatsApp Return to the Looking Glass
Demons Invade Woman’s Mind
Demons invade woman’s mind to cause her memories of half an hour before her birth, then back to the planet Venus. -Download Golden Age, August 14, 1935 Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on reddit Reddit Share on whatsapp WhatsApp Return to the Looking Glass
Curious Malady at Equinoxes
The “most reasonable explanation” of the manifestation of a withered foot, limp arms, talons, a haggard face and a hump at vernal and autumn equinoxes upon a 12 year old girl is that it is the “work of demons”. -Download Golden Age August 14, 1935 Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on […]
Demons and Radium
The demons said with the discovery of Radium, humanity has come very close to the secret of life. -Download Golden Age, February 2, 1921 Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on reddit Reddit Share on whatsapp WhatsApp Return to the Looking Glass