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More than 10 years revealing secrets because there is no excuse for secrecy in religion – w1997 June 1; Dan 2:47; Matt 10:26; Mark 4:22; Luke 12:2; Acts 4:19, 20.

Evolution Versus the New World

Evolution versus the New World - a Jehovah's Witnesses publication from the 1950s

Did You Know … ? Evolution versus The New World was published in 1950 by Jehovah’s Witnesses. It starts with the logically fallacious statement, “Jehovah God promises a new world to bring mankind to perfection. Scientists offer evolution as the means of man’s ascent to new heights”. And it goes downhill from there. Expect to […]

Behind the Mask

A detailed article on how the harmful concealment of Masking occurs and how Jehovah’s Witnesses have had to use this tactic to survive within the Organization. Interviewed is Anna Hendricks, Former Jehovah’s Witness and advocate.

On Men Becoming Women, Women Becoming Men

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On men becoming women and women becoming men. (The Danish artist is likely Lili Elbe) Not sure what they mean by “women who found they were becoming men” and had operations to “restore womanhood.” -Download Golden Age, January  7, 1937 Return to the Looking Glass

Orange Juice and Blood Transfusions, 1928

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One cup of sweet orange juice by mouth (in case you were wondering) answers any emergency in which blood transfusions would be used.   -Download Golden Age, July 25, 1928 Return to the Looking Glass

The Dangers of Radium, 1928

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Once upon a time, Golden Age said Radium was a curative agent– a cancer cure. Here they report on the dangers of working with it, specifically about those poisoned by radium paint. -Download Golden Age, July 25, 1928 Return to the Looking Glass

Physiognomy: 1921 and 2019

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Physiognomy is assessing character from outer appearance.  Here Golden Age claimed that “the small mouth knows no love” and “the small nosed-man cannot have a judicial mind.” -Download Golden Age, January 19, 1921,  In the second quote you see the book Mankind’s Search for God, 2019 printing (originally printed in 1990), Chapter 4: Searching for […]

Ask the Prophet Isaiah About Automobiles

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Here (page 74) we learn the “swift beasts” (swaying furnaces) of Isaiah 66:20 “refer specifically to locomotives” but automobiles “are probably included in that expression.”  Readers are told the Prophet Isaiah would be back on earth soon and they could ask him whether the automobiles and motor trucks are included in that expression or not.  […]

Don’t be in a Hurry to be Frozen

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Advice  against getting frozen to be thawed centuries in the future. Look what happened to the dogs!! -Download Golden Age, September 25, 1935 Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on reddit Reddit Share on whatsapp WhatsApp Return to the Looking Glass

Sleeping in the Raw

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Advice on sleeping in your birthday suit. (Well maybe not birthday suit if you’re a JW). -Download Golden Age June 19, 1935 Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on reddit Reddit Share on whatsapp WhatsApp Return to the Looking Glass