Women Transformed into Men
A classic quote from God’s channel on earth. The one where they speculated women would become men and there would be no children after the completion of the resurrection. -Download Golden Age, April 2, 1930 Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on reddit Reddit Share on whatsapp WhatsApp Return to the Looking […]
Fig Cure For Cancer
The Lord prescribed this treatment through Isaiah the prophet to cure King Hezekiah. *may not cure all kinds of cancer. -Download Golden Age, May 11, 1921 Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on reddit Reddit Share on whatsapp WhatsApp Return to the Looking Glass
Millions Now Living Will Never Die (1921)
In a biblical sense the world had ended and the “antitypical Jubilee” or “earth’s times of restitution” would begin to count in 1926! -Download Golden Age, January 19, 1921 Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on reddit Reddit Share on whatsapp WhatsApp Return to the Looking Glass
Advert For Radio-Active Solar Pad
Wear the Radio-Active Solar Pad day and night, receiving the Radio-Active Rays continuously into your system… try it at THEIR risk! -Download Golden Age, January 1921 Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on reddit Reddit Share on whatsapp WhatsApp Return to the Looking Glass
Radium Cancer Cure
Radium as a cancer treatment. Later on Golden Age would warn of the dangers of Radium poisoning. -Download Golden Age, February 2, 1921, Return to the Looking Glass
Radium- Not Just a Curative Agent
Radium- not just a curative agent that one could bathe in, but also great for watch dials. See where Golden Age later on said Radium was dangerous. -Download Golden Age, February 2, 1921 Return to the Looking Glass
Colored Boy Ought Not to Make Sling Shots
A “small sized, one horse character-builder” presiding elder of the Danville district of the Methodist Episcopal Church South fired his gun at boys who had climbed a tree on his property. He kept firing at them even after they ran away. A bullet entered the brain of black 12 year old Mitchell Bailey, and blinded […]
Origin of Black Race
On the left, Insight on the Scriptures Volume 1, page 1023 refers to “Some persons” who have incorrectly held a certain view of the origin of the black race. On the right, Golden Age, July 24, 1929 page 702 shows that those persons holding this incorrect view was, in fact, them. -Download Golden […]
Race of Servants
The origin of the black race is discussed. They are a “race of servants”, their “only real joy in life is serving others; not bossing them.” “There is no servant in the world as good as a good Colored servant”. -Download Golden Age, June 26, 1929 Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share […]