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10 Years revealing secrets because there is no excuse for secrecy in religion – w1997 June 1; Dan 2:47; Matt 10:26; Mark 4:22; Luke 12:2; Acts 4:19, 20.

Man Restored to Primal Perfection

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Imagine a day when “otherwise beautiful children” will no longer be marred with thin, weak upper lips or “large protruding voluptuous lips” and rows of uneven teeth.  Note a nod to phrenology. -Download Golden Age, July 16, 1924, Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on reddit Reddit Share on whatsapp WhatsApp Return […]

The Lunar Orb, Hair and Sap

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Ladies, be honest, you prefer men with unslicked hair don’t you? Especially just before a new moon when the lunar orb gives it the most sap. -Download Golden Age, January 16, 1935 Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on reddit Reddit Share on whatsapp WhatsApp Return to the Looking Glass

Rutherford Says Scripture is Spurious

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J F Rutherford said that the words at Revelation 20:5 were “spurious”. ⁦-Golden Age, February 20, 1929 Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on reddit Reddit Share on whatsapp WhatsApp Return to the Looking Glass

Giants Confirmed

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Biblical giants confirmed? Even though one of the bodies was said to be a woman by the people who found it, readers are told all bodies were actually men by the writers of The Golden Age . -Download Golden Age, November 21, 1923 Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on reddit Reddit Share […]

Cartoon- Millions Now Living Will Never Die

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Hammering home the message that “Millions now living will never die” through the thick skulls of the clergy using Proverbs 3:5 “Do not rely on your own understanding.” -Download Golden Age, March 14, 1923 Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on reddit Reddit Share on whatsapp WhatsApp Return to the Looking Glass

Knees Show Fear

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Dr Clapp, the condition of men’s knees and the prophet Ezekiel. -Download Golden Age, October 10, 1923 Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on reddit Reddit Share on whatsapp WhatsApp Return to the Looking Glass

Satan is Real

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Satan is a real person. We know this because why would God go to the trouble of deceiving people by referencing him so much if he wasn’t?  -Download Golden Age, April 25, 1923 Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on reddit Reddit Share on whatsapp WhatsApp Return to the Looking Glass

Satan Can Move

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Golden Age answered that pressing question: ‘can Satan move?’ Evidently he can. And he can hear and speak too. -Download Golden Age, April 25, 1923 Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on reddit Reddit Share on whatsapp WhatsApp Return to the Looking Glass

Perplexities Foretold

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Another prophetic gem from that journal of ‘fact’. For only 48c you could learn about the ‘final solution’ ahem, sorry, the ‘only solution’ to life’s problems with the Harp Bible Study Course.  -Download Golden Age, June 30, 1923 Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on reddit Reddit Share on whatsapp WhatsApp Return to […]