Shocking Doctrinal Changes in 2024 Governing Body Update #2
Revised interpretations of three scriptures prompt organizational changes, accompanied by a recent decision by the Governing Body regarding Dress attire.
Women Killing Ostriches
Modern haircuts reduced demand for ostrich feathers used on big hats, therefore endangering the survival of the ostrich population. -Download Golden Age, July 14, 1926 Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on reddit Reddit Share on whatsapp WhatsApp Return to the Looking Glass
Permanent Waves for Men (!)
God’s channel commenting on perms for men. This sissy hairdo makes men take on the weaknesses and frailties of women (naturally wavy hair cannot be helped). -Download Golden Age January 16, 1935 Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on reddit Reddit Share on whatsapp WhatsApp Return to the Looking Glass
The Lunar Orb, Hair and Sap
Ladies, be honest, you prefer men with unslicked hair don’t you? Especially just before a new moon when the lunar orb gives it the most sap. -Download Golden Age, January 16, 1935 Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on reddit Reddit Share on whatsapp WhatsApp Return to the Looking Glass