Is God Resting or Rested?
In the New World Translation of the Holy Bible (NWT), it reads as follows at Genesis 2:3: And God went on to bless the seventh day and to declare it sacred, for on it God has been resting from all the work that he has created, all that he purposed to make. In the King […]
John 17:3: A Huge Change
John 17:3 is one verse that gives many Christians purpose, hope and faith. You’ll often see John 17:3 on a sign at public events such as sports games and music concerts. The odd thing about John 17:3 for Jehovah’s Witnesses is how until 2013, they had translated the text differently to all other bibles. Let’s see why. In […]
The Bible – What Is Its Message?
Did You Know … ? The Bible – What Is Its Message? is a 32 page brochure divided into 26 parts, briefly explaining the key tenets of the Jehovah’s Witnesses religious group. It explains why they believe that a paradise on earth was the original purpose for mankind. Find a Publication ▼ Addendum to Shepherd […]
Commentary on the Letter of James
Did You Know … ? Commentary on the Letter of James was first published in 1979. In the introduction, they believe that the letter of James was written in 60 CE, just two years before he was stoned to death. The place of writing “is agreed to have been Jerusalem”. Find a Publication ▼ A […]