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Loyally Uphold Jehovah's Judgments - Shun Unrepentant Wrongdoers image
A screen from video previously published on jw.org featuring parents shunning their own daughter after she left the Jehovah's Witnesses

Jehovah’s Witnesses Quietly Remove Shunning Videos Amidst Global Scrutiny

The removal of videos from jw.org that featured parents shunning their own daughter may be the first sign of a policy shift in response to rising media, government and legal pressure regarding Jehovah’s Witnesses’ shunning practice.

Published October 26, 2024. 

New York – The Jehovah’s Witnesses, a religious group often criticized in the media for its extreme practices on shunning ex-members, has in a surprising and unannounced move, quietly deleted instructional videos that provided explicit guidelines on how adherents should shun family members who leave the organization. This development comes amidst mounting media criticism, governmental investigations, and high-profile court cases in countries such as Norway, Japan, and Denmark, each raising concerns about the cult’s practices.

The Jehovah’s Witnesses are infamous for their comprehensive materials that instruct members on handling the emotional and social complexities of shunning former members, particularly close family who choose to leave. Over the years, at conventions, congregation meetings, and through highly descriptive video content, leaders of the group outlined responses, gestures, and even specific language for any interaction with “wayward” family, friends, or acquaintances. Many adherents considered these videos a core part of their religious observance, and they became a pillar of the organization’s teachings on loyalty.

Last week, however, shunning-related videos were quietly removed from the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ digital library without explanation. No formal announcement or guidance accompanied the removal, and members and former members are left questioning the organization’s rationale as leaders remain silent on the matter.

Mounting Global Pressure

This potential shift comes at a time when the Jehovah’s Witnesses face increasing global scrutiny. In Denmark, for instance, government officials have voiced concerns about the cult’s impact on family dynamics and mental health and whether the practice is lawful. In Japan, high-profile media outlets have investigated the cult’s practices, with special attention to its treatment of children, sparking a national conversation about the organization’s influence and control over its members. Meanwhile, Norway has recently seen court cases where the group is challenging the government’s response to its extreme practices of shunning that particularly impact on children’s mental and emotional well-being.

Such international attention has led many to wonder whether the sudden removal of the shunning-related videos is a reactionary attempt to soften the group’s public image or a response to potential legal ramifications abroad.

“A Confusing Shift in Policy”

Adherents within the organization are reportedly feeling confused and uneasy following the removal. “We were always taught that shunning disfellowshipped and disassociated ones was an essential part of our faith,” said one member who spoke on condition of anonymity. “It’s been drilled into us for years, and now it’s just gone without a word. I am not sure what to think, or if this means anything at all.”

The Jehovah’s Witnesses have a history of modifying or quietly rescinding teachings, but former members note that it is highly unusual for content that relates to major doctrine to disappear without official commentary. Experts on high-control religious groups suggest that the move may be a calculated response to protect the cult from further criticism and investigation.

Damage Control or a Legal Strategy?

One former member who has been involved in various court cases relating to Jehovah’s Witnesses noted that “the timing is likely not coincidental. Removing the videos could be an attempt to present a more acceptable public face or pre-empt further legal repercussions. However, without an official communication to members, it leaves a lot of confusion, especially among those who have sacrificed relationships based on these teachings.”

The Jehovah’s Witnesses have faced intensifying backlash from mental health professionals and cult awareness organizations across Europe and Asia, many of whom argue that the cult’s policies are damaging to mental well-being and family structure. In Norway, the cult’s methods has resulted in their loss of grants worth millions each year, while in Denmark the government is investigating whether the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ shunning policies breach law. Meanwhile, in Japan, there is an effort by former members to have laws changed that could set precedents on the responsibilities of religious organizations in cases of emotional and psychological harm.

A Silent Impact on Families

While most members of Jehovah’s Witnesses may not be aware of the sudden disappearance of these shunning resources, ex-adherents are cautiously optimistic. “I hope this is a step toward something different,” said one father, whose son remains a devoted member. “Maybe there’s a chance for Jehovah’s Witnesses to shed some of their more extreme practices. My cynical side believes the videos were only deleted because they use the now defunct word, ‘disfellowshipped’ instead of the new in-term, ‘removed’.”

For now, the full impact of this quiet change remains uncertain, but with global media, governments, and courts scrutinizing the cult, the Jehovah’s Witnesses may face increasing pressure to justify, clarify, or even reverse a long-standing policy.

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