More than 10 years revealing secrets because there is no excuse for secrecy in religion – w1997 June 1; Dan 2:47; Matt 10:26; Mark 4:22; Luke 12:2; Acts 4:19, 20.
The Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses is currently made up of eleven men who claim to be anointed servants of Jehovah God. They have given themselves the responsibility for giving direction and impetus to what they call “the Kingdom work.” They also refer to themselves as the “Faithful and Discreet Slave” from a portion of a parable found in the gospel of Matthew. (Matt. 24:14, 45-47; Rev. 12:17) The Governing Body asserts that they look to Jehovah and to Jesus Christ for direction in all matters. (1 Cor. 11:3; Eph. 5:23) The Governing Body also claims that God directs it by holy spirit, while simultaneously claiming that it is neither inspired or infallible. The members of the Governing Body do not regard themselves as the leaders of Jehovah’s Witnesses but rather that they take the lead of Jehovah’s Witnesses. These seemingly contradictory statements are known as doublespeak. The writers of Jehovah’s Witnesses’ material use doublespeak quite extensively.
The Bible says: “Let all things take place decently and by arrangement.” (1 Cor. 14:40) The Governing Body claim to obey this direction by putting in place various procedures and guidelines that ensure the smooth and orderly operation of the branch offices and the congregations. Specially selected men are required to do their part by setting an example of obedience as they put such arrangements into effect. All Jehovah’s Witnesses, especially overseers, are required to look to Jehovah for guidance and pray regularly for his direction and blessing. Then irrespective of what the prayer said, they consult their guidelines or textbooks and comply with the instructions given therein. All are required to show themselves “reasonable, ready to obey” those placed in positions of oversight. Those in positions of oversight are not leaders, they are just those who are in positions of oversight. (Jas. 3:17) Thus, each group, congregation, circuit, and branch is blessed with a united, orderly body of believers who leave their minds at the door and fail to notice the glaringly obvious contradictions and doublespeak.—1 Cor. 14:33; 1 Tim. 1:11.
While the Governing Body delegates certain details or responsibilities to committees made up of men they consider loyal to a fault; or to instruments such as corporations and legal agencies. The Governing Body always takes the lead, without leading, in promoting the smooth functioning of the organization and the unity of all of God’s people.—Acts 6:1-6; 1 Tim. 1:3; Titus 1:5; Heb. 13:17; w01 1/15 pp. 28-31. How persons who are are in positions of leadership, have the power to approve, direct, delegate, and are always ‘taking the lead’ but not leading is not intended to be understood by a rational mind.
The Governing Body gives final approval for new publications as well as new audio and video programs.
The Governing Body cares for the appointment and deletion of Branch and Country committee members and designates the brother who will serve as the coordinator of those committees. It also appoints circuit overseers and country representatives. In most cases, such appointments are made based on recommendations received from the Branch Committee. They may pray before making a decision to approve such appointments but when the recommendation is made it’s an almost foregone conclusion unless there is details in the candidate’s record that is amiss, or there is no immediate requirement for promotion. The Governing Body also appoints Helpers to Governing Body committees as well as headquarters representatives qualified to make branch visits. Qualifications is not based on education as much as it is based on loyalty to the organization. And at all times, the Governing Body are not leaders but men who take the lead and can make appointments as they see fit. Although these are activities that a leader may carry out, it is also something men can do if they are not leaders but are ‘taking the lead’.
The Governing Body may arrange for qualified men to care for theocratic assignments in any locality at any time. Of course, it is not bound by recommendations received from other elders because qualifications can also be based on nepotism and/or a man’s secular education that is relevant to the required appointment. Such recommendations, then, serve merely as a guide and may even be rejected for reasons known only to the Governing Body. In other words, the Governing Body keep their reasons from those who are not ‘taking the lead’, are not qualified to take the lead, or are those who have a vagina and therefore are unable to take the lead. The Governing Body, therefore, has the prerogative to use its discretion and look into any matters it deems necessary to examine with regard to the “Kingdom work.”
Unlike leaders of democratic countries, you may not question the authority, direction, or anything else provided by those ‘taking the lead’ in Jehovah’s Witnesses. In short, you can question leaders in a democratic society, but you cannot question those ‘taking the lead’ in the Watch Tower Society.
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