Beware of Satan’s Temptation to Make You Smoke: The Unreleased Tony Morris Video

A leaked video has surfaced featuring now-demoted Governing Body member Anthony Morris.
The video appears to be his last edited video that was scheduled to go live prior to his removal from the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ top governing council.
Choose Your Apps Wisely – Controlling Mobile App Choices

In April 2020, Watch Tower performed a controlled release of a video entitled, “Choose Your Apps Wisely”. It was shown at congregation meetings around the world. It has not been published on for public viewing. The video is a manipulative attempt to control members mobile app choices. The 150 second video begins by asking […]
Sex Education and Induction at the Headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses

When Jehovah’s Witness get the privilege of serving at the Headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses (Bethel), they must sit through a video entitled ‘Keep Your Path Clean’. This is a form of sex education and induction into service at their world headquarters, and at regional headquarters around the world. There is one video that is specifically […]
Videos and Movie Presentations

Here you will find a useful search tool to help you find videos on JW Broadcasting and other places relating to the activities of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Currently the tool provides links to JW Broadcasting videos but with future developments, it will help you find all videos on
Watch Tower versus BMG music

In a lawsuit filed with the District Court in the Southern District of New York, Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society of Pennsylvania allege that BMG US, BMG UK, and one or more associated individuals and corporations have infringed their copyright of the song, “Listen, Obey and Be Blessed”, which is available to download for […]
UK: Watch Tower versus BMG Music

In a lawsuit filed with the District Court in the Southern District of New York, Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society of Pennsylvania allege that BMG US, BMG UK, and one or more associated individuals and corporations have infringed their copyright of the song, “Listen, Obey and Be Blessed”, which is available to download for free […]
Keep Your Path Clean

When Jehovah’s Witness get the privilege of serving at the World Headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses (Bethel), they must sit through a video entitled ‘Keep Your Path Clean’. There is one video that is specifically created for men and a separate video for women. Ralph Walls of the Personnel Committee presents the video for the ladies, […]
Choose Your Apps Wisely

Are you confused by the number of JW apps in the mobile app store? Maybe a brother or sister has shown you an app and said it works great. Some seem to be designed for Jehovah’s Witnesses but are not provided by the Faithful and Discreet Slave. What dangers are there with unauthorized apps from […]
AUSTRALIA: Actors Wanted

If you haven’t watched or listened to the secret recording of Robin Bass calling the Watchtower branch in Australia to discuss the Jehovah’s Witnesses reluctance to sign up to the redress scheme, you must. Towards the end she mentions Jehovah’s Witnesses’ plans to build a new movie studio in Sydney. That recording is a nice […]