Next month (January 2015) will be the anniversary of my youngest brother’s suicide. He took his life serving as a Jehovah’s Witness missionary in the Dominican Republic.
He was married and was an active elder in his congregation. He had been brought up as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. His life was for his religion – all 36 years. The effort he put in spreading the message took great courage & time. He held firm to his beliefs, even shunning his mother & father, after they were disfellowshipped.
I can’t be bothered with painting a picture of Jehovah’s Witnesses and what they preach, whether it is good or bad. All I know is that I will be with my mother giving her some comfort in this terrible time trying to help with the loss of her son, my brother.
Throughout this year we wanted answers to his suicide & how he took his life. Working closely with the home office, we eventually got the news. It was another blow to the family: he had become very depressed.
“Come join us in our salvation where you will be saved.”
He must have slipped through the net!
I can’t believe that not a single member of this so called religion ever picked up on his depression. Nor was a single member sorry for his suicide. Maybe they were too busy dealing with someone smoking or reading bad literature?
We never heard from nor have we been contacted by the elders in his congregation nor by a member of the Governing Body just to say “Sorry for your loss”. It is as if he never existed.
Therefore, this is my point: I will not believe that they share love. It is all hot air. They offered no comfort or support to an elderly mother who lost her son doing the things she showed him and encouraged him to do.
Now my mother is on a guilt trip. If she never introduced him to Jehovah’s Witnesses all those years ago, would he still be alive today?
Thank you all for reading.
Please like my story as my mother will draw comfort knowing there are decent folk out there.
Merry Christmas & New Year
- User is no longer on facebook.Lee Holmes (Article originally posted on Facebook: Dec 28 2014).
The content above is the personal opinion of the individual(s) involved and does not necessarily reflect the opinion(s) of has no connection to the individual(s) whatsoever except to relate their story on the website of
The intent for publishing this content on is to highlight to the public the adverse effect (Watchtower) doctrine has on humanity.