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More than 10 years revealing secrets because there is no excuse for secrecy in religion – w1997 June 1; Dan 2:47; Matt 10:26; Mark 4:22; Luke 12:2; Acts 4:19, 20.

Shane Green disassociated himself from the religion of Jehovah’s Witnesses 03 September, 2015. He wrote a letter to the Body of Elders at his local congregation. This letter outlines some of the many reasons why he wanted to disassociate. For the most part, it seems, his conscience was bothered by the fact that the religion he believed was “the truth” lied, or failed to tell the full truth about events in its history.

Shane Green’s Letter

Note: Small edits have been made to the letter to improve readability and to create links to support claims being made. The intent has not been altered. To read the unaltered version of the letter, click here.


Dear Brothers,

Job 13:7 says, “Will you speak unjustly on Gods behalf, And will you speak deceitfully for him?

The answers to the above questions are obvious, which leaves me in a quandary.

  1. I watched governing body member Geoffrey Jackson on the stand at the Australian Royal Commission (ARC). He was subpoenaed to appear by the ARC on institutional child abuse (case number 29). I find it difficult to comprehend how a man, who claims to be a pillar and support for ‘Truth’, can then under oath (sworn on the New World Translation of the Holy ScripturesNWT) go ahead and tell so many lies.
    He was on the stand for over three hours,  surrounded by a team of lawyers in the wings. He claimed he didn’t know the answer to basic policy questions that any elder would be able to answer. He blatantly lied about who comes under the authority of the organisation. He couldn’t even recall an instance of a female judge in the bible saying it has always been men “Click to download file and go to page 22, lines 26-29since the time of Adam” (Deborah anyone?). How can a man who claims to be anointed by holy spirit, and have the backing of Jesus Christ who promised to ‘But the helper, the holy spirit, which the Father will send in my name, that one will teach you all things and bring back to your minds all the things I told you. - John 14:26call back to mind all the things learned’ not even recall such a basic biblical ‘truth’?
    The Australian branch overseer behaved in the same appalling manner. He even had to apologize to the commission for lying when evidence was sent in (the branch manual I think) that called the lies out. How is that a ’good witness’ to the world looking on?
    The Elders appearing at the commission were quite literally being ‘thrown under a bus ’ for following branch directives. They themselves were unable to recall the most basic of things.
  2. The intellectual dishonesty in our publications.
    Why does the book ‘Life how did it get here, by evolution or creation‘ contain over 100 misquotes of scholars? These misquotations it uses as authority to back up its claims. One must look at the original quotes not just the partial quotes. Does Jehovah need to use lies to bring people to the right conclusion? (Will you speak unjustly on God’s behalf, And will you speak deceitfully for him?Read Job 13:7)
    One of the main ‘Shane Green is referring to Francis Hitching, a paranormal evolutionist, who is quoted 13 times in the Creation book.contributors’ to the Evolution book is a man who advocates the paranormal.  He is a young earth creationist who BELIEVES in evolution but that evolution was guided by a higher power. He was a professional dowser. How can he possibly be a credible source to disseminate ‘truth’?
    Why does the ‘evidence’ from scholars provided in supporting 607 C.E. as the date for Jerusalem’s destruction once again come in the form of misquotes? Look at the original quotes not just the ‘partials’. None of the scholars quoted advocate 607 C.E. bThey regard 586 or 587 C.E. as the correct date. There are 17 lines of independent evidence to support this and zero for 607 C.E. (Will you speak unjustly on God’s behalf, And will you speak deceitfully for him?Read Job 13:7)
    I could go on. The Trinity brochure, Gods word or man’s book, brochures and magazines full of misquotes and very dubious sources.
  3. In 1992, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York applied to be a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Associate Member of the United Nations Department of Public Information (UN DPI). This is the CLOSEST relationship an NGO can form with the UN. The application was renewed annually and is a matter of public record.
    Watchtower remained an Associate Member until a few days after knowledge of this involvement became public through the release of breaking news in The Guardian on 8th October 2001.
    How can this possibly be right!!?
    Their excuse was that they needed to become an NGO to get a library card. (Source here and here). This a blatant lie! Nobody has ever needed to join the UN to get a library card. It is open to the public. You can get one if you wish. (Will you speak unjustly on God’s behalf, And will you speak deceitfully for him?Read Job 13:7)
  4. Mexicans were allowed to bribe Mexican officials. Meanwhile our dear brothers and sisters in Malawi were being raped and murdered for refusing a political card.
    At the same time that Witnesses were forbidden to hold a card in Malawi, a comparable situation arose in Mexico with the Governing Body ruling in the opposite direction for Mexican brothers. In Mexico, military service was compulsory for young men. On completion of service young men would receive a “Cartilla” card. This card was similar to the card in Malawi. It was required for transactions such as obtaining a passport and drivers license. Young Witness brothers experienced persecution and imprisonment for refusing their obligation to attend military service.
    In order to relieve this suffering, the Governing Body ruled that it was acceptable for Mexican brothers to bribe officials to obtain a government Cartilla card. This approach exempted them from military service. This is discussed in the following letter to Mexico Branch Committee dated June 2, 1960:

    As to those who are relieved of military training by a money transaction with the officials who are involved therewith, this is on par with what is done in other Latin American countries where brothers have paid for their relief through some military official in order to retain their freedom for theocratic activities. If members of the military establishment are willing to accept such an arrangement upon the payment of a fee then that is the responsibility of these representatives of the national organisation. In such a case the money paid does not go to the military establishment, but is appropriated by the individual who undertakes the arrangement. If the consciences of certain brothers allow them to enter into such an arrangement for their continued freedom we have no objection. Of course, if they would get into any difficulties over their course of action then they would have to shoulder such difficulties themselves, and we could not offer them any assistance. But if the arrangement is current down there and is recognized by the inspectors who do not make any inquiries into the veracity of the matter then the matter can be passed by for the accruing advantages. Should a military emergency arise and confront these brothers with their marching card it would oblige them to make a decision by which they could not extricate themselves by a money payment and their mettle would be tested and they would have to demonstrate outright where they stand and prove that they are in favor of Christian neutrality in a determined test.

    Faithfully yours in the Kingdom ministry,
    Watchtower B.&T. Society of Pennsylvania

    It is interesting that for Mexico it could be justified that holding a governmental card through bribery is acceptable, since it allowed the brothers to continue in “theocratic activities”, yet obtaining a political card legally in Malawi was not acceptable even though it would have allowed the same freedoms.

There are even more scandals with a full documented paper trail.

This is only the tip of the iceberg for the GRAVE concerns I have. To go on would take reams of paper.

In view of this I find I have no choice than to formally disassociate myself from the Watchtower Publishing house and the Jehovah’s Witnesses Religious Organisation.

I apologise that this will no doubt cause distress to many but I have to follow my conscience.

An Awake of July 2009 page 29 has this to say:

No one should be forced to worship in a way he finds unacceptable or be made to choose between his beliefs and his family

You brothers will always have a warm place in my heart and I know you will follow ‘the rules’ regarding this decision. I bear no malice toward any of you over this and wish you all the best for the future.

Kind regards and Love to you all

Shane Green


The content above is the personal opinion of the individual(s) involved and does not necessarily reflect the opinion(s) of AvoidJW.org. AvoidJW.org has no connection to the individual(s) whatsoever except to relate their story on the website of AvoidJW.org.

The intent for publishing this content on AvoidJW.org is to highlight to the public the adverse effect JW.org (Watchtower) doctrine has on humanity.