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2024-2025 Circuit Assembly Visit with Branch Representative William Malenfant

Because shame awaits those who are treacherous without cause.”
William Malenfant, 2024-2025 Circuit Assembly with Branch Representative

At the 2024 Jehovah’s Witnesses Circuit Assembly, the theme “Not to Be Ashamed of the Good News” took center stage. Among the highlights was the presence of William Malenfant, a representative of the Governing Body’s Teaching Committee. Speaking on behalf of the Governing Body, Malenfant delivered the main talks. Below is a summary of the assembly’s key discourses.

  • Friday: Examining the Gospel accounts to affirm their accuracy and relevance and demonstrate how Jesus’ life provides valuable lessons for today.

  • Saturday: Exploration of prophecies concerning Jesus’ birth and childhood, assessing their fulfillment and significance.

  • Sunday: A discourse titled “Why We Don’t Fear Bad News,” offering reasons for “confidence” and security despite global challenges.

  • Theme Talk:

    • Why should Christians not be ashamed of the good news?
    • Scriptural basis often includes Romans 1:16, which emphasizes the power of the good news.
  • Symposiums:

    • Practical ways to demonstrate courage in sharing the good news.
    • Real-life examples of Jehovah’s Witnesses who overcame challenges in their ministry.
  • Bible-Based Encouragement:

    • Talks focusing on maintaining integrity in the face of opposition.
    • Highlighting Jesus and the apostles as examples of boldness.


In Malenfant’s talks, a significant focus was placed on dissecting and elaborating on individual Bible verses to craft his messages. The assembly covered a variety of topics, such as condoning homosexuality, responding to coworkers about “pressuring” matters against their beliefs, and training children at school regarding an occurrence where homosexuality was a “concerning issue.”

In one talk, there was a demonstration of two Jehovah’s Witnesses conversing. One brought up their worry about the Governing Body not understanding how tough it is to make ends meet. This is interesting because donations from these very same people struggling to make ends meet are used to ensure the members of the Governing Body lead a very comfortable life having all their needs tended to in Warwick, New York. However, these very same donations are never used to help the sick, poor, orphans, or widows – Job 29:12, 13; Isaiah 58:7; James 1:27.

Screenshots from the Circuit Assembly, including those of William Malenfant, 2024

Traditionally with the Jehovah’s Witnesses doctrine, 1914 was viewed as the definitive year in Jehovah’s Witnesses theology when Satan was hurled to the Earth and Jesus Christ began his heavenly rule (The Watchtower 1984 April 1 pp. 5-8). Yet recent wording in the New World Translation and statements by William Malenfant now describe these events as occurring “about” 1914, suggesting a less absolute stance. This adjustment aligns with their evolving interpretation of prophecies found in the Bible book of Revelation.

You can find the videos for the assembly linked below, and a recap of these talks from AltWordly: Leaked footage of Jehovah’s Witness Circuit Assembly shows a cult in decline.

ImageVideo SeriesTitleDescriptionDownload
2024-2025 Circuit AssemblyWith Branch Representative2024-2025 "Not Ashamed of the Good News"Morning Session - Part 12024Download
2024-2025 Circuit AssemblyWith Branch Representative2024-2025 "Not Ashamed of the Good News"Morning Session - Part 22024Download
2024-2025 Circuit AssemblyWith Branch Representative2024-2025 "Not Ashamed of the Good News"Afternoon Session - Part 12024Download
2024-2025 Circuit AssemblyWith Branch Representative2024-2025 "Not Ashamed of the Good News"Afternoon Session - Part 22024Download
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Miss Usato

Aiding Transparency to Watchtowers teachings. If you have additional information about this topic or would like to reach the author- Please email [email protected]

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